Singing Alive


In the Name of the Holy Mystery, wishing you the presence to stay in your heart-space, the gravity to ground in your body, and the inspiration to hold the highest frequency.

Until we meet again . . .

 . . . We’re dreaming the peace, and we’re beaming devotion
we’re heeding the call to put love into motion
For the earth’s energizing, and we are arising
to stand in our power, for thatz how we flower
and bring to fruition, this human condition

 We sing of the gift, of the lift, of the shift, so that all 
may be nourished and the Garden shall flourish . . .


What is Singing Alive??

Singing Alive is an annual, since 2007 (17 years as of 2025), summer gathering devoted to Gaian Folk-song circles. Singing Alive was born of a confluence of the song culture (rainbow, gospel, trad. Americana, Native Amer.) of back-to-the-land healing gatherings native to the Cascadia bio-region (Pacific NW), and the song-medicine of teacher-plant traditions world-wide. It has since grown to encompass a wide variety of singing people(s), including community choirs, devotees of contemporary spiritual figures (e.g., Amma, Prem Baba . . ), yoga (kirtan) communities. and light language enthusiasts.

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At Singing Alive we teach, share, and invigorate the songs that travel thru this great circuit of like-hearted beings. We hold ceremonial space for the songs to do their healing work, to brew the melodic magic of collective singing. We are about bringing people together who feel called to awaken and nurture their spiritual life thru communion with songs (and prayers, chants, blessings, and so om) of celebration of life in this temple universe. Such songs clarify our lives, strengthen our communities, and foster personal and planetary renewal. At Singing Alive we gather to share them, and ourselves, in a safe, welcoming, and fun!, environment.

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Singing Alive is not a festival or a conference. It not an entertainer / audience event. There are no staged performances, amplification, paid musicians, nor vendors. It is a DIY-styled, highly participatory adventure in Gathering, a co-prayformance where we all sing (and eat!) together, and work together to make this happen. Those who don’t think they can sing are encouraged to remember the wise African proverb, ‘If you can walk, then you can dance, if you can talk, then you can sing!’  This is a family-friendly event, with generous space made for children.

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We aim to keep the event affordable and accessible to all who feel drawn to attend. We therefore ask everybody to volunteer their time and talents to the extent they wish to and are able. This to help cook, clean, arrange, and do the necessary tasks to keep our village running smoothly. We ask everyone who wishes to do so and is able, to bring non-prepared (vegetarian) food to contribute to the community kitchen.

ORIGINS ~ The idea for this gathering was conceived on July 16, 2005 by Michael Pilarski (Skeeter), & Morgan Brent (mt xen), at the Sunny Pine herb farm near Twisp, WA.

Skeeter has devoted his life to studying and teaching how people can live sustainably on this Earth. He has extensive experience in event organizing, organic farming, permaculture, wildcrafting medicinal herbs and plants. For more info, go to Friends of the Trees Society.

mt xen aligns with the bard archetype, with mythic renewal.  He specializes in working with prescriptive teachings received in non-verbal ways (telepathic, intuitive, & synchronistic) and then translated into story and/or song.  In service to this guidance, he also makes medicines of all kinds, among them events both large (Singing Alive & Plants enChant gatherings), and small (e.g., Creation-song circles)

‘Sing’, for this is food our hungry world needs. .~ Hafiz