Cantando la Vida

Cantando la Vida ~ Singing Alive Costa Rica

Want to sing in Costa Rica at Finca Amrta this February 7-9, 2025?

For countless years around the sun we have sung prayers deeply with the earth, shed countless tears to the river, released with the fire, called blessings up to the sky!  There are songs all over the world, from people all over the world, let’s get together to see what songs want to come through! 

Cantando la Vida

We will gather around center and fire to share songs, stories, laughter & prayers, intentions, blessings.  Circles are scheduled throughout the days, facilitated and offered as a song teaching place. Community offerings are welcome: spontaneous singing, workshop during early hours or community time; yoga, nature walks, bodywork. Thank you!

All are invited to the song village who wish to ground, nourish, and balance their spirit in this way. Please join us at Finca Amrta, a sacred nature reserve and farm in Costa Rica’s southern zone for a weekend of camping, singing, and refreshing in rio Pedregoso, to deepen our relations with nature, spirit, and beyond!

— BlesSings, Rosie, Suzanna, and Finca Amrta

Follow this link for tickets!

*~**~**~* WHAT is a SONG VILLAGE *~**~**~*

A song village is what happens when caring, sharing, open-hearted people come together in deep gratitude to sing and live for a while. We are the village of song; what we bring, what we do, what we carry, say and sing, we create this together. We cherish this land and life through the tune that we share!

* Families * This is an intergenerational experience. Families are welcome, we have a volunteer lead Casa Kids. Let us know if you would like to run a children’s activity some time this weekend * include subject line ClV Kids. 

To keep costs affordable, we ask for dharma.

Attendees will be invited to help the village, to the extent that you are able. 

*~*~*~* SCHEDULE *~*~*~*

~ Thursday ~ February 6 ~ 2-4pm ~ as an added offering people may arrive Thursday; to set up camp, participate in a Potluck dinner, and sing around a getting to know you fire. Bring a prepared dish to share or healthy portions of ingredients for a salad! 

~ Friday & Saturday ~ ((Breakfast)) Opening Ceremony/Morning Announcements circle, Morning Circle, Lunch, Community Time, Afternoon Circle, Dinner, Evening Fire Circle.

~ Sunday  ~ Closing Ceremony Day ~ Breakfast, First Circle, Morning Circle, Lunch, Village Barter Fair at Lunchtime, Closing Ceremony is Sunday afternoon. People will begin to depart today, if you wish you may stay for dinner and one final fire circle! 

*~**~**~* FOOD *~**~**~*

Songs nourish our spirits, wholesome vegetarian food will nourish our bodies. Three meals a day Friday through Sunday, of lovingly made organic foods. Many food items are made/grown on the farm, or purchased from the neighboring farm community.

* Thursday evening is potluck style around 6pm

* The Menu is gluten free & includes: tortillas, rice & beans, lentils, local cheese & milk, salads, oats, vegetables, & Finca Amrta fruits, bananas!  Do you have an abundance of foods to share? Let us know! Especially welcome are nuts and seeds, fruits, & treats!

* Please note that the Kitchen is NOT open for public use. For those with strict dietary needs we encourage you to bring your own food and are welcome to bring a small camp stove to prepare your own meals. Please be in communication about this.

* Please bring your own bowl, plate, mug, utensils for the duration.


Love you