Singing Alive

near Silverton, OR

Greetings All ~~

We will be doing an ancestor honoring ceremony on Saturday evening @ Singing Alive this year.

Our intention is to help those who have passed become fully “at home” in the ancestral realm, and to cultivate their presence as powerful allies to help us in life.

This format (accompanied by a song!) is inspired by the Dagara tribal tradition of Africa, as taught by Malidoma Some. .

All who wish to participate are invited to bring small mementos and / or photos to place on the altar. .

Bring photos of loved ones taken before they passed. Only those who are now deceased should be in the photo – no currently living people are to appear on this altar.

Also, bring any combustable object(s) that you wish to ‘charge’ with awareness(es) to bring to the ancestors. These can be offered to the fire. .

Thank you for your kind attention on this . . & we sing you soon!

Ticket Info

Living on the Land

What to Bring

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Things to be Aware of

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