By purchasing a ticket, or by entering theevent premises, you agree to release andindemnify Singing Alive Gathering, itsofficers, licensees, owners, agents,landowners, affiliated companies, andemployees (hereinafter `Singing Alive‘) fromany and all claims for property damage,injury, or death which I/we may suffer or forwhich I/we may be liable to others, in anyway connected with my attendance. Thisrelease and indemnity agreement shall applyto any claim even if caused by negligence.
I/we understand that the Gathering takesplace in some areas that are undeveloped.Areas of the property are only accessible byprimitive trails and one may encounter steepdrop-offs, wild animals, stinging/bitinginsects and arachnids, holes, trippinghazards, sharp obstructions, falling trees andbranches, poisonous flora and fauna andother potential dangers. I/we value the factthat the Gathering is staged in a naturalenvironment. This agreement applies tonatural risks as well as risks posed by otherpersons at the Gathering. I/we understandthat there are no lifeguards present at any ofthe ponds or creeks on the land and thewater quality may not have been tested, soany swimming or other water activity is doneat your own risk. I/we understand that theevent site has no developed parking lot and,if a vehicle is brought to the Gathering,Singing Alive will not be responsible for anydamages that might be done by otherattendees or caused by the terrain includingbut not limited to trees. I/we agree tosafeguard any valuables that I/we may bringto the Gathering by locking them in a vehicleor other secure location and release SingingAlive from any liability for loss or theft ofpersonal property. I/we agree to take care ofmyself and those around me and to beresponsible for any harm that I may causeanother. I/we commit to staying hydrated,making healthy choices and looking out forothers.
I/we agree that by entering the Gathering,I/we consent to my/our name, voice, words,and likeness being used, withoutcompensation, in photos, films, audiorecordings and videos for use in any and allkinds of media, for eternity and worldwide.
We agree to honor the working premise of this event, that there is no ultimate ‘right’way to sing a song. Outside of helping a songsharer to remember a melody or lyric, or with pronunciation and translation, one cannot‘correct’ a song that is presented at ourevent, one can only, respectfully, offeranother version(s) of that song.
By purchasing a ticket, or entering the eventpremises, I/we agree to adhere to the SingingAlive Covid policy.
covid policy:
Singing Alive is, as always, an entirely outdoor event. We will follow the latest state and federal requirements for COVID-19 safety. Currently this means masks will NOT be required outdoors.
Anyone preferring to wear a mask, or maintain social distancing is welcome to do so. A red scarf or bandana may be worn around the arm to display a preference for distancing. Please look for and honor this signal. In the absence of a red arm band please still obtain clear consent before touching or moving in close to another person.
Tickets are non-refundable & non-transferable.
In the event that Singing Alive 2021 iscanceled or postponed tickets will carry overto the next scheduled Singing Alive date.
Terms are subject to change. I/we agree toreview updated terms before the Gathering,and by my/our attendance agree to any updates.