Singing Alive

Grateful to Be
Like the birds in the sky
Like the dragonfly
Like the trees listening
What lives in them lives in me

I am grateful to be
Breathing, heart beating, joyous, and free
Even though hard times are all around me
I am grateful to be


  1. Allison

    This song is a great gift I received through a community friend singing. Who wrote the words and the music? Thank you for offering access. We are sharing in our communities. Blessings, Allison

  2. Jamie

    Hi there, can you please tell me where this song was written, who wrote it and when? Thank you!

  3. LA

    Is there any way to download this song?

    • mtxen

      not @ this time.. it is on the Singing Alive 2017 compilation though

  4. Camille

    Thank you for posting this song, it helped me remember the melody this morning.
    I’m also very interested to know more about the lineage of the song.
    I read on Facebook by a person who shared it that it was coming from willamette valley in Oregon.
    Did anyone else heard the same or different ?
    Also, it made me re sing this other song « let your little light shine shine shine ». Just adding a great song to another great song 😉


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